daily dose of imagery | by Sam Javanrouh
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[v] cn tower timelapsed | September 24, 2003

Canon G3 | 1s | F2 | ISO 50
shot from my room, facing south. this is only one of more than 1500 frames of photos shot in about 13 hours. i included the video here as well, which came out interesting. watch the video in:

high quality (5.5MB - recommended)
medium quality (1.8MB)
low quality (500KB - only recommended for VERY slow connections)

if you have problems viewing the videos, you might need quicktime 6 plugin, which is free and you can download it here.

UPDATE (29sep03): since i had a lot of visitors asking me how this was done, here's a quick technical info:
i used the software remote capture that comes with the canon powershot camera series to control the camera. the camera was attached to my laptop via USB and the software was controling it with fixed focus and program auto exposure to take a shot every 20 seconds for 2000 photos. the photos get recorded on the hard-drive and not on the flash card ofcourse, since each session of these will take up to 4GB of storage if you shoot full resolution. after you have all the images, then you can use almost any video editing software to make video files. in this case i used adobe after effects to make the video and sorenson squeeze to compress. that's pretty much all there is to it.