daily dose of imagery | by Sam Javanrouh
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wheelies at nps | February 23, 2009

wheelies at nps || Canon5D2/TS-E45 | 1/200s | f4.5 | ISO1600

wheelies at nps || Canon5D2/TS-E45 | 1/125s | f4.5 | ISO1600

wheelies at nps || Canon5D2/TS-E45 | 1/125s | f4.5 | ISO1600
Bikers Bike trials at Nathan Philips Square as part of Toronto's Winter City Festival.
...Shot these with rented Canon Tilt Shift TS-E 45mm lens. I was trying to use the selective focusing to draw attention to one subject in the frame, and not doing the miniature look thing. Not sure if it's successful, I’m still trying different things with these lenses.