daily dose of imagery | by Sam Javanrouh
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brown and green night | February 06, 2008

brown and green night || Canon5D/EF17-40L@17 | 10s | f8 | ISO100 | Tripod
Distillery District at night. I was a little late after the rain -which is my favorite time for night photography-, so parts of the cobblestones were dry already. Brick Street Bakery is on the left.

update: I was pleasantly surprised to see ddoi was selected as Toronto's Best Photoblog in this year's Best of Independent Toronto survey by blogTO, especially when I saw the other nominees. They're all good wonderful Photoblogs: Photojunkie, Arieh Singer, MUTE, The Narrative, Hame.ca, Delineated, Istoica, Colourblind.ca and Inconduit.com.
Thank you so much for voting for ddoi.